Song, Dance and Hoops

 I really despise the way that you have to go about obtaining a job in this country. Everywhere is damn near the same: you have to apply online, go to an interview, and start working. 

To go into further detail with these:

  • Apply online- Every (almost every) company that you walk into and try to introduce yourself to in order to possibly speak with someone about getting a job, you will be immediately hit with the robotic phrase "apply online"....forced into the massive pool of many people who are in that very pool to be discriminated against. Are you surprised that I say that? You may be thinking "but they have laws to prevent that". Aside from laws meaning nothing in this country (Do you ever speed when driving? Of course you have. You broke the law), HR managers get to use software to "weed out" (discriminate against) people who don't meet EXACTLY what they're looking for even though a person who could've been their best employee could've been in that first wave of people to be cut. Then the HR employees go through this watered down pool of potential employees themselves and decide (discriminate against) potential employees by their names, the way they arranged the information on their resume, etc. Completely arbitrary and irrelevant things. Oh and on top of all of this, most people lie on their resumes with experience times, employment dates and duration, etc (because they have to if they ever want to beat out the other applicants and get hired) so again this process is pointless.
  • Interview- Hooray! You made it through the applicant pool based on mostly irrelevant information! Now you have to put on professional clothing to go meet strangers that you may never see again! During this process, you will be judged in person on how well you can lie in person (to match the resume you lied on) along with what you look like (discrimination). What companies usually do nowadays is ask you performance questions such as "what have you done in the past when this has happened?" which again encourages lying because you have to in order to get the job if what you would ACTUALLY do in that situation is different from what most companies want you to do. There is usually no feedback either so if you answer unfavorably, they just won't bother calling you back.
  • Start working- Now that it's your first day, you have to go through orientation and job training if there is any. What's that you say? They needed experience but they train you anyway so there was no point in asking for experience in the first place? Exactly. Now you're getting it! If you didn't have money when you first started, tough luck. You have to wait weeks to get paid and at the same time you have to keep finding a way to get there (which costs money), keep finding a way to not starve to death during lunchtime (which costs money), and keep finding a way to get back home (which costs money). You literally have to be a slave for 2 weeks. Or for as long as you're there for most jobs.
  • Rejection- At the apply  and the interview stage, you get some long generic template basically telling you that they don't want you. I feel as though if you took the time to dress up and spend money to go and interview for the job that you should at least get a call back if you're being rejected so you're not sitting there wondering for days. At least have to balls to call me and tell me you don't want me to work there. Also tell me why so I have the chance to improve. But no they won't do that. You have to come 90% of the way and they come 10%. Meanwhile you don't have money and you have to spend money to go through their stupid little process when you probably don't have the money, because you don't have a fucking job in the first place.

So basically the current system of finding employment is garbage and I wish they would implement a better way of obtaining new employees. It has come to the point that I never want to go through the process ever again and I refuse to comply with the horrible standards of this horrible society...which brings me to people who always say "start a business" as if everyone has the money, the passions, the work ethic, the motivation, the mental capacity, and the ideas to do so. And if you have ALL those things, this garbage government steps in with hoops for you to jump through. This place SUCKS!

-Peace and happiness-


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