
Showing posts from October, 2020


I didn't want to make a post like this but I guess I did since I'm making it. You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm on the tail-end of life. I don't mean to bore you with depressing stuff if anyone is even reading this at all lol but this is my blog and my random thoughts so here goes. There are circumstances that I have put myself in that have tarnished my record and have severely ruined the normal opportunities to me that everyone else born into this fucked up society has. It pains me that things in this country are the way that they are. However, because of these circumstances, it is hard for me to accomplish things that I may want to do in life. On top of those circumstances that I'm being extremely vague about but that you have probably already guessed the identity of, I have a health issue that has been bothering me for months. I know I will overcome these things. I have to overcome these things to be what I want to be in life. However, in the meantime, these th

Song, Dance and Hoops

 I really despise the way that you have to go about obtaining a job in this country. Everywhere is damn near the same: you have to apply online, go to an interview, and start working.  To go into further detail with these: Apply online- Every (almost every) company that you walk into and try to introduce yourself to in order to possibly speak with someone about getting a job, you will be immediately hit with the robotic phrase "apply online"....forced into the massive pool of many people who are in that very pool to be discriminated against. Are you surprised that I say that? You may be thinking "but they have laws to prevent that". Aside from laws meaning nothing in this country (Do you ever speed when driving? Of course you have. You broke the law), HR managers get to use software to "weed out" (discriminate against) people who don't meet EXACTLY what they're looking for even though a person who could've been their best employee could've

No Offense to Google...

 ...because I really like Google and their products! BUT, I feel as though no one uses Blogger anymore. Obviously, I could be wrong. I didn't do any research before making this random assumption but I sense it to be true. Blogger used to be popular back when there weren't as many social media options. And yes I know there were still thousands of social media options available at the height of Blogger's popularity, but it isn't like it is today. The behemoths weren't at their pinnacle just yet.  People of today have very short attention spans (due to social media most likely) and they may not be able to pay attention or stay interested long enough to read a blog or they may just much rather watch an Instagram video or check out an even quicker Instagram Reel. Is the existence of the internet making humanity better as a whole.... or worse?   - Peace and happiness to you -