
Showing posts from 2021

Ascension From the Ashes

Whelp. I'm still hanging around. Still don't have a job currently BUT I'm pretty sure that's about to change soon. My mental health dipped again last week for a bit but I think that's climbing. The dip was probably from taking ashwagandha for a while then stopping. I haven't decided if I will be taking more going forward but it's there if I want to. I won't go into much detail but it's a supplement that helps with mood amongst other things. I'm taking steps to be a better human being. That's actually part of the reason I'm back on this blog. I need to stop giving up on things and see them all the way through. One of my best friends and I are taking a trip down to the southern part of my state to see my BEST friend (of all time) even though my finances are technically in shambles because I think it's something that I need to do for my own health overall again, to be a better human being. I have to remember this is all a part of the

Anything goes....

How's it going? Shortly after my last post, I caught covid. Took me 3 weeks to fully get over. But this post is not about that however it does tie in a bit. I was extremely optimistic when I first moved down here but about 2 weeks into the covid experience, I started losing the optimism because I couldn't really do anything without fear of infecting people. Supposedly you can't infect people after 10 days but who REALLY knows. I felt like I could infect anyone I came in contact with until I was healed. I even wore my mask around the house to be sure I didn't infect any family members. More on that lack of optimism. Now I'm getting closer to the state I was in when I was up north in my last location. In the last post I mentioned that I need to just fear God and nothing else but I've been praying (half-assedly probably) and trying to be patient in letting God help me but I'm also feeling hopeless at the same time.  It seems like I've been getting depressed